Upload your Resume and Video at the link below.
Answer the following questions in your video. (Please upload only one video file)
Discuss the three most important things we should know about you.
Discuss the top three things you are most passionate about besides family and church.
Describe how you feel about the current generation of young people in the church. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? What are their needs?
Discuss what you feel should be the top three priorities of a church in reaching future generations.
Please keep the following items in mind:
Limit your video to 20 minutes max.
Upload your resume as a PDF.
Before you upload, rename your resume file and video file with your LAST NAME.
Please upload both files at once if possible.
**AFTER you have completed all of these steps, please email jferrari@fellowshipchurch.net to let us know that your files have been uploaded.
Thank you for your interest! After we have reviewed your submission, we will reach out to you if we would like you to proceed to the next step.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to Joshua Ferrari at (304) 295-8982 ext. 108 or via email at jferrari@fellowshipchurch.net